111 research outputs found

    Presupposition, perceptional relativity and translation theory

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    The intertwining of assertions and presuppositions in utterances affects the way a text is perceived in the source language (SL) and the target language (TL). Presuppositions can be thought of as shared assumptions that form the background of the asserted meaning. To translate presuppositions as assertions, or vice versa, can distort the thematic meaning of the SL text and produce a text with a different information structure. Since a good translation is not simply concerned with transferring the propositional content of the SL text, but also its other semantic and pragmatic components, including thematic meaning, a special attention should be accorded to the translation of presupposition. This article examines the intrinsic relation between presupposition and thematic meaning, why the concept is relevant to translation theory, and how presupposition can affect the structure and understanding of discourse. Unshared presuppositions are major obstacles in translation, as cultural concepts may be conveyed through expressions that yield presuppositions. To attain an optimal proximity to the SL text, presupposition needs to be singled out as a distinct aspect of meaning, and distinctions need to be made between definite and indefinite meaning, topic and comment, topic and focus, presupposition and entailment, and presupposition and implicature

    Comparing longevity traits in four maternal lines of rabbits

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    The main objective of this study was to compare four maternal lines of rabbits (A, V, H and LP) in terms of longevity traits at their foundation time and at fixed times. Taking into account the concept that these lines were founded on diferent criteria but selected for litter size at weaning.El Nagar, AGF. (2011). Comparing longevity traits in four maternal lines of rabbits. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/15892Archivo delegad

    Genetic analysis of longevity in specialized lines of rabbits

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    [EN] The global objective of the present thesis was to study the functional longevity defined as length of productive life (LPL) in five Spanish specialized lines of rabbit (A, V, H and LP). Chapter 3, aimed to check the genetic heterogeneity for longevity between the five lines estimating the additive variance and the corresponding effective heritabilities. As well as to test the genetic importance of time-dependent factors such as positive palpation order (OPP), physiological status (PS) and number of kits born alive (NBA) on the genetics of longevity. This point has been assessed using four different Cox proportional hazard models; the first one (Model 1) included all the previous factors in addition to the year-season effect, the inbreeding coefficient effect and finally the animal effect as random factor. The remaining three models were the same as Model 1 but excluding OPP (Model 2), or PS (Model 3), or NBA (Model 4). The complete data set comprised 15,670 does with records 35.6 % having censoring data, and the full pedigree file involved 19,405 animals. The heritability estimates for longevity in the five lines were low and ranged from 0.02±0.01 to 0.14±0.09, and consequently, it is not recommended to include this trait as selection criteria in rabbit breeding programs. Despite of the large variation of the heritability estimates, the corresponding HPD95% always overlapped and consequently the hypothesis of all lines having the same heritability cannot be discarded. Comparing the additive variance estimates of the four models, it was observed that by correcting for PS 51, 39, 38, 83 and 75% of the additive variance in lines A, V, H, LP and R, respectively, was removed. The risk of death or culling decreases as OPP advanced. Non-pregnant-non-lactating females are those under the higher risk. The does which had zero NBA had the highest risk, apart for this special figure (zero NBA) the risk decreased as NBA increased. Chapter 4 intended to estimate the genetic and environmental correlations between longevity and two prolificacy traits (number of kits born alive (NBA) and number of kits alive at weaning (NW)). Furthermore, to estimate the genetic and environmental correlations between longevity and the percentage of days that the doe spent in the different physiological statuses with respect to its entire productive life. The complete pedigree file comprised 19,405 animals. The datasets included records on 15,670 does which had 58,329 kindlings and 57,927 weanings. In general the genetic correlations between NBA and NW, and the hazard were low to very low, and the only line for which it can be said these genetic correlation to be different from zero was the LP line. Regarding the correlations between longevity and the percentage of days the doe spent in each physiological status, there were evidences of non-negligible genetic correlations between the two traits. Chapter 5 purposed to compare the five lines at their foundation and at fixed time periods during their selection programs. The first comparison was done at the origin of the lines, involving the complete data set, and using a genetic model (CM) including the additive values of the animals, so the effect of selection was considered. For the second comparison the same model as the first comparison was used, but excluding the additive effects from the model of analysis (IM), and involving only the data corresponding to each period, so the differences between the lines included the additive values of the animals. The lines V, H and LP showed at foundation a substantial superiority over line A. The line R had higher risk of death or culling with relevant differences when compared to V, H and LP lines. The maximum relative risks were observed between the lines LP and R (0.239), and between LP and A (0.317). For the comparisons at fixed times, the pattern of the differences between the A line and the others was similar to those observed at foundation.[ES] El objetivo global de la presente tesis fue estudiar la longevidad funcional en cinco líneas españolas de conejos (A, V, H y LP), el carácter se definió como la longitud de la vida productiva. En el Capítulo 3, dirigido a comprobar la heterogeneidad genética de la longevidad entre las 5 líneas, se estimaron las varianzas aditivas y sus correspondientes heredabilidades efectivas. Y además se evaluó la importancia del orden de la palpación positiva (OPP), el estado fisiológico (PS) y el número de gazapos nacidos vivos (NBA) sobre el determinismo genético de la longevidad. Para ello se utilizaron 4 modelos de Cox de riesgos proporcionales; el primer modelo (Modelo 1) incluyó todos los factores anteriores, además del efecto del año-estación, el efecto de la consanguinidad y, finalmente, el valor aditivo de los animales como efecto aleatorio. Los otros tres modelos fueron igual que el Modelo 1 pero excluyendo OPP (Modelo 2), o PS (Modelo 3), o NBA (Modelo 4). Los datos de longevidad estaban referidos a 15,670 conejas y tuvieron una tasa de censura de 35.6%. La genealogía completa involucró a 19,405 animales. Las estimas de heredabilidad efectiva para la longevidad en las 5 líneas fueron bajas y variaron de 0.02±0.01 a 0.14±0.09. A pesar de la gran variación de las estimas puntuales de heredabilidad, los correspondientes intervalos HPD95% siempre se solaparon y por lo tanto la hipótesis de que todas las líneas tengan la misma heredabilidad no pudo descartase. Se observó que la exclusión de PS incrementó la varianza aditiva aproximadamente, en un 51, 39, 38, 83 y 75% en las líneas A, V, H, LP y R, respectivamente. El riesgo de muerte o eliminación disminuía a medida que avanzaba el OPP, observándose el riesgo más alto durante los primeros dos partos, partos en los que las conejas todavía están creciendo lo que sería un factor de riesgo importante. El nivel No-Gestante-No-Lactante de PS tuvo el mayor riesgo. Este nivel se interpreta como indicador de baja fertilidad y/o problemas de salud de la coneja. Las conejas que tenían cero NBA tuvieron el mayor riesgo de muerte o eliminación, aunque para el resto de niveles de NBA se apreció una disminución del riesgo a medida que aumenta la prolificidad. En el capítulo 4, se estimaron las correlaciones genéticas y ambientales entre la longevidad y dos caracteres de prolificidad [número de gazapos nacidos vivos (NBA) y el número de destetados (NW)]. El fichero de datos incluyó 58,329 partos y 57,927 destetes. También se estimaron las correlaciones entre longevidad y el porcentaje de días que la coneja pasó en los diferentes estados fisiológicos con respecto a la totalidad de su vida productiva. La única línea para la que se puede decir que la correlación genética entre NBA o NW y el riesgo fue significativamente diferente de cero fue la línea LP. Hubo evidencias de correlaciones genéticas no despreciables entre la longevidad y el porcentaje de días que la hembra pasó en cada estado fisiológico los dos caracteres. En el capítulo 5 se compararon las longevidades medias de las 5 líneas en su fundación y en períodos de tiempo determinados. La comparación de las líneas en el origen, utilizó todos los datos y un modelo genético (CM) que incluía los valores aditivos de los animales. Para la comparación en tiempos fijos se utilizó el mismo modelo, pero excluyendo los efectos aditivos del modelo de análisis (IM), utilizando sólo los datos correspondientes a cada período, por lo que las diferencias entre las líneas incluían los cambios debidos a la selección. Las líneas V, H y LP mostraron una superioridad sustancial sobre las líneas A y R. Los riesgos relativos máximos se observaron entre las líneas LP y R (0.239), y entre LP y A (0.317). Con respecto a las comparaciones en tiempos fijos, el patrón de las diferencias entre la línea de A y las otras líneas fue similar a los observados en la fundación.[CA] L'objectiu global de la present tesi va ser estudiar la longevitat funcional en cinc línies espanyoles de conills (A, V, H i LP), el caràcter es va definir com la longitud de la vida productiva. Al Capítol 3, dirigit a comprovar l'heterogeneïtat genètica de la longevitat entre les 5 línies, es van estimar les variàncies additives i les seues corresponents heretabilitats efectives. A més a més, es va avaluar la importància de factors dependents del temps, com l'orde de la palpació positiva (OPP) , l'estat fisiològic (PS) i el nombre de llorigons nascuts vius (NBA) sobre el determinisme genètic de la longevitat. Per a això es van utilitzar 4 models de Cox de riscos proporcionals; el primer model (Model 1) va incloure tots els factors anteriorment assenyalats, a més de l'efecte de l'any-estació, l'efecte de la consanguinitat i, finalment, el valor additiu dels animals com a efecte aleatori. Els altres tres models van ser igual que el Model 1 però excloent l'OPP (Model 2) , o PS (Model 3) , o NBA (Model 4) . Les dades de longevitat estaven referides a 15,670 conilles i van tindre una taxa de censura de 35.6%. La genealogia completa va involucrar a 19,405 animals. Les estimes d'heretabilitat efectiva (Model 1) per a la longevitat en les 5 línies van ser baixes i van variar de 0.02±0.01 a 0.14±0.09. A pesar de la gran variació de les estimes puntuals d'heretabilitat, els corresponents intervals HPD95% sempre es van solapar i per tant la hipòtesi que totes les línies tinguen la mateixa heretabilitat no va poder descartar-se. Es va observar que l'exclusió de PS va incrementar la variància additiva, aproximadament, en un 51, 39, 38, 83 i 75% en les línies A, V, H, LP i R, respectivament. El risc de mort o eliminació disminuïa a mesura que avançava l'OPP, observant-se el risc més alt durant els primers dos parts, en què les conilles encara estan creixent el que seria un factor de risc important. El nivell No-Gestant-No-Lactant de PS va tindre el major risc en comparació amb els altres nivells. Les conilles que tenien zero NBA van tindre el major risc de mort o eliminació, encara que per a la resta de nivells de NBA es va apreciar una disminució del risc a mesura que augmentà la prolificitat. Al Capítol 4, es van estimar les correlacions genètiques i ambientals entre la longevitat i dos caràcters de prolificitat [nombre de llorigons nascuts vius (NBA) i el nombre de deslletats (NW)]. El fitxer de dades va incloure 58,329 parts i 57,927 deslletaments. L'única línia per a la que es pot dir que la correlació genètica entre NBA o NW i el risc va ser significativament diferent de zero va ser la línia LP. Evidències de correlacions genètiques no menyspreables entre longevitat i els percentatge de dies que la femella va passar en cada estat fisiològic. Al Capítol 5 es compararen les longevitats mitges de les 5 línies en la seua fundació i en períodes de temps determinats. Per a la comparació de les línies a l'origen, es van utilitzar totes les dades i un model genètic (CM) que incloïa els valors additius dels animals, per la qual cosa es va considerar l'efecte de la selecció a partir de la fundació. En la comparació en temps fixos se va utilitzar el mateix model que en l'anterior, però excloent els efectes additius del model d'anàlisi (IM), utilitzant només les dades corresponents a cada període, per la qual cosa les diferències entre les línies incloïen els canvis deguts a la selecció. Les línies V, H i LP van mostrar una superioritat substancial sobre les línies A i R. Els riscos relatius màxims es van observar entre les línies LP i R (0.239), i entre LP i A (0.317). Respecte a les comparacions en temps fixos, el patró de les diferències entre la línia de A i les altres línies va ser semblant als observats en la fundació.El Nagar, AGF. (2015). Genetic analysis of longevity in specialized lines of rabbits [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/52390TESI

    Geochemical characterization of recent Nile Delta inner shelf sediments: Tracing natural and human-induced alterations into a deltaic system

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    Abstract The present study deals with the geochemical changes observed along Nile Delta inner shelf sediments over a period of 20 years (1995–2015). Major, minor, and trace constituents as well as rare earth elements (REE) were investigated in the surface sediments collected from seven transects along the inner shelf on five years intervals. Geochemical composition of sediments in Nile Delta inner shelf exhibits continuous changes over time due to the depositional and sediment transport processes. The sediments are generally enriched with Fe and Ti oxides, as well as Ta, Nb, Y in comparison to the Upper Continental Crust (UCC). These alterations signify the impact of processes such as erosion and sediment transport, as well as the impact of anthropogenic interferences such as damming the Nile River Flow. The reduction of the sediment input from the Nile River has somehow altered the geochemical signature of the inner shelf sediments. The REE patterns indicate weathering in areas subjected to erosion, while trace elements and major oxides spatial and temporal distributions concentrate eastwards under the influence of the easterly sediment transport pattern. Nile Delta inner shelf presented a typical case for understanding the link between geochemistry and sedimentary processes in nearshore and deltaic systems

    Diagnostic value of CD14+ CD16+ monocytes in neonatal sepsis

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    Background: The majority of monocytes (MO) are strongly positive for CD14 and negative for CD16. The phenotype and function of peripheral blood monocytes change after trauma and during sepsis. CD14+CD16+ monocytes, identified as a minor population of monocytes which constitute a potent phagocytosing and antigen-presenting monocyte subpopulation that expands during acute and chronic infections. Objective: To evaluate monocyte expression of CD14 and CD16 in preterm neonates and to assess it as a possible marker for early diagnosis of neonatal sepsis as the early clinical signs are often insidious and non-specific. Methods: This study was carried out on 45 preterm neonates (1-3 days old ) with a mean gestational age of 34.5 ± 1.03 weeks . They were classified into three groups. Group I included 15 neonates with proven sepsis. Group II included 15 neonates with possible or suspected infection. Group III (control group) included 15 healthy age and sex matched neonates. The neonates with possible infection were followed up. Nine of them developed sepsis later on (proved clinically and by laboratory) and they were considered as patients with early sepsis at the time of admission. History taking and clinical examination were performed as well as laboratory investigations including, complete blood count, blood culture and sensitivity (for patients only), measurement of C-reactive protein (CRP) and CD14 and CD16 expression on monocytes by flow cytometry. Results: The proportion of CD14+ CD16+ MO within all circulating monocytes was significantly higher in patients with proven (75.2±13.1%), early (63.9±17.9%) or possible sepsis (55.1±26.8%) than controls (3.86±2.53%) (p < 0.0001, p < 0.0001, p < 0.001, respecctively). It was higher in neonates with proven than possible sepsis (p > 0.05), whereas it was comparable in the groups of proven and early sepsis (p < 0.05). There was a significant positive correlation between mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) of CD16+ MO and CRP (p < 0.01) and a significant negative correlation between it and the platelet count (p < 0.05) among patients. When neonates with early sepsis were followed up after 48 hours a significant increase in CRP levels and MFI of CD16 expression on monocytes was noted (p < 0.01 for both). The sensitivity and negative predictive value of CD14+ CD16+ MO% and MFI of CD16+ MO were higher than that of CRP. Specificity and positive predictive value of CD14+CD16+ MO% were similar to those of CRP. The cut off point (obtained from the ROC curve) for CD14+ CD16+ MO% was 8.6% and that for MFI of CD16+ MO was 9. Conclusion: The measurement of the percentage of CD14+ CD16+ MO among circulating MO is a promising rapid and sensitive test for early diagnosis of neonatal sepsis and exclusion of infection in neonates with high risk to develop sepsis. NICU costs as well as unnecessary antibiotic use can be thus reduced.Keywords: CD14, CD16, monocyte, neonate, sepsisEgypt J Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2004; 2(1): 16-2

    تحقيق الأصالة في مشروعات إعادة الاعمار لمواقع التراث العالمي الثقافي المتضررة من الحروب والنزاعات Achieving originality in the reconstruction projects of the cultural world heritage sites affected by wars and conflicts

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    تستند الأمم عبر الزمن على تاريخها الأصيل، فمن ليس له ماضي ليس له حاضر. ويعتبر التراث الثقافي من أوضح الصور المادية للتراث والتي تصنع تاريخاً للإنسان وتصنع له الهوية الحضرية التي ستتکلم عنه في المستقبل. وعلى النقيض يعتبر محو التاريخ المادي أحد مداخل محو الأمم، وهذا ما يتعرض له التراث العالمي الثقافي أحياناً في هذه الأيام، فاستهدافه وتدميره يؤدي الى محو تاريخ الأمم. حيث تتعرض مواقع التراث العالمي الثقافي الى تدمير کبير ومستمر بسبب الحروب والنزاعات المسلحة؛ التي أصبحت تؤثر على مختلف جوانب الحياة وتتسبب في آثار کارثية کبيرة کإرهاق الأرواح وتشريد السکان الذين هم بمثابة الذاکرة الاجتماعية، فضلاً عن إتلاف الممتلکات، وتخريبها، ونهبها واستخدامها لما يطوعها لظروف الحروب، وبالتالي تغير ملامحها وترک مظاهر التلف والضرر بآثار حضارات عريقة. ومع تقدم آلة الحرب التي أدت الى نسف مواقع أو مدن تاريخية بأکملها في وقت وجيز على نحو جعل من إعادة الإعمار واسترجاع تلک المواقع دون فقد لقيمتها التاريخية وأصالتها التي من خلالهما اکتسبت أنها تراث عالمي حلماً. وحتى عندما لجأت بعض الدول لاسترجاع ما تم تدميره فقد فقد کثيراً من أصالته، مع أن القليل من التجارب هي التي قد نجحت في إعادة الإعمار. فتحقيق الأصالة للتراث بعد تدميره من خلال مشروعات إعادة الاعمارتعتبرعملية معقدة وتحتاج الى استراتيجية محکمة وإطار عمل ممنهج للاستفادة من التجارب السابقة الناجحة في إعادة الإعمار. وبذلک فقد استهدفت تلک الدراسة بشقيها النظري والتحليلي الخروج بإطار عمل يحقق التوازن بين مفهوم الاصالة المعتمد من خلال المواثيق الدولية وبين إعادة اعمار مواقع التراث العالمي المتضررة من الحروب حتى لا تفقد قيمتها العالمية الاستثنائية

    Genetic analysis of meat quality traits in maternal lines of rabbit and their diallel cross

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    [EN] Young rabbits, the dams of which came from a full diallel cross among four maternal lines (A, V, H and LP) and the sires from a single paternal line (It), that produce sixteen genetic groups, was carried out to evaluate the genetic groups and to estimate the crossbreeding genetic parameters of meat quality. The meat quality traits were recorded by NIRS from a sample of 285 longissimus lumborum muscles. Crossbreeding parameters were estimated according to Dickerson model. No differences in protein were found. The line A had significant differences with V line for intramuscular fat, and fatty acids groups. Significant differences for these traits appeared between the crossbred AH and VV (in favor of AH). As conclusion, the significant contrasts between genetic types for chemical composition of the meat are mainly consequence of direct-maternal genetic effects, having grandmaternal and maternal heterosis effects a less relevant role.This work was supported by the Spanish project AGL2011-30170-C02-01 from the Spanish National Research Plan. C. Minguez acknowledges a Formacion de Personal Investigador (FPI) grant from the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MEC), Spain.Mínguez Balaguer, C.; Sánchez Serrano, JP.; Hernández, P.; Ragab, M.; El Nagar, AGF.; Baselga Izquierdo, M. (2017). Genetic analysis of meat quality traits in maternal lines of rabbit and their diallel cross. Meat Science. 131:1-8. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.meatsci.2017.04.005S1813

    Bacteriophages to control multi-drug resistant enterococcus faecalis infection of dental root canals

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    © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Phage therapy is an alternative treatment to antibiotics that can overcome multi-drug resistant bacteria. In this study, we aimed to isolate and characterize lytic bacteriophages targeted against Enterococcus faecalis isolated from root canal infections obtained from clinics at the Faculty of Dentistry, Ismalia, Egypt. Bacteriophage, vB_ZEFP, was isolated from concentrated wastewater collected from hospital sewage. Morphological and genomic analysis revealed that the phage belongs to the Podoviridae family with a linear double-stranded DNA genome, consisting of 18,454, with a G + C content of 32.8%. Host range analysis revealed the phage could infect 10 of 13 E. faecalis isolates exhibiting a range of antibiotic resistances recovered from infected root canals with efficiency of plating values above 0.5. One-step growth curves of this phage showed that it has a burst size of 110 PFU per infected cell, with a latent period of 10 min. The lytic activity of this phage against E. faecalis biofilms showed that the phage was able to control the growth of E. faecalis in vitro. Phage vB_ZEFP could also prevent ex-vivo E. faecalis root canal infection. These results suggest that phage vB_ZEFP has potential for application in phage therapy and specifically in the prevention of infection after root canal treatment

    Application of Stabilized Silver Nanoparticles as Thin Films as Corrosion Inhibitors for Carbon Steel Alloy in 1 M Hydrochloric Acid

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    Nanometer scaled materials have attracted tremendous interest as corrosion protective films due to their high ability to form self-assembled films on the metal surfaces. It is well known that the silver nanoparticles have higher reactivity towards aqueous acidic solution. The present work aims to prepare coated silver nanoparticles to protect carbon steel alloys from aqueous acidic corrosive media. In this respect, Ag nanoparticles colloid solutions were produced through reducing AgNO3 separately with trisodium citrate in an aqueous solution or in the presence of stabilizer such as poly(ethylene glycol) thiol and poly(vinyl pyrrolidone). The morphology of the modified silver nanoparticles was investigated by TEM and DLS. UV-Vis absorption spectrum was used to study the effect of HCl on the stability of the dispersed silver nanoparticles. The corrosion inhibition efficiency of the poly (ethylene glycol)thiol, the self-assembled monolayers of Ag nanoparticles, was determined by polarization method and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Polarization curves indicated that the coated silver poly (ethylene glycol)thiol acted as a mixed type inhibitor. The data of inhibition efficiencies obtained measured by polarization measurements are in good agreement with those obtained with electrochemical impedance